An Evening with Rosetta is a dark-neo Cabaret dance work that was inspired by Nebahat’s experience living and working as an artist in Istanbul Turkey in the 2000s. She came to observe the fixed defined gender roles between men and women. This included observing the behaviours and interaction in public streets, in homes and within personal relationships, which seemed to be on the premise on the prescribed notions of traditional societal roles of masculinity and femininity, concepts that are reinforced by the family, religion and state.
"I chose to use neo-Cabaret as one form of aesthetics as it’s an art form that has no or very little performance history in Istanbul and secondly because I wanted to use a form of storytelling that was political, intimate and entertaining all at the same time and to strip the show down to more raw and personal way of relating."
The production is characterised by a sense of unease and derives its structure from juxtaposing entertainment with contemporary performance.